Scientific committee
- Adam Anderson (UC Berkeley)
- Els Angenon (RMAH)
- Margherita Fantoli (KULeuven)
- Katrien De Graef (UGent)
- Hendrik Hameeuw (KU Leuven)
- Mike Kestemont (UAntwerpen)
- Els Lefever (UGent)
- Eliese-Sophia Lincke (FU Berlin)
- Hubert Mara (FU Berlin)
- Gustav Ryberg Smidt (UGent)
- Saana Svärd (University of Helsinki)
- Jon Tenney (University of Cambridge)
Organisational committee
- Katrien De Graef (UGent)
- Margherita Fantoli (KULeuven)
- Lise Foket (UGent)
- Hendrik Hameeuw (KU Leuven)
- Mike Kestemont (UAntwerpen)
- Eliese-Sophia Lincke (FU Berlin)
- Avital Romach (Yale University)
- Gustav Ryberg Smidt (UGent)
- Mirko Surdi (UGent)
- Tony Vlogaert (RMAH)
Reviewing committee
If you wish to be a part of the reviewing committee write and describe your qualifications. We will evaluate your possible participation.
- Adam Anderson (UC Berkeley)
- Katrien De Graef (UGent)
- Hendrik Hameeuw (KU Leuven)
- Eliese-Sophia Lincke (FU Berlin)
- Avital Romach (Yale University)
- Gustav Ryberg Smidt (UGent)
- Mirko Surdi (UGent)
- Marine Béranger (FU Berlin)
- Lise Foket (UGent)
- Els Lefever (UGent)
- Hubert Mara (FU Berlin)
- Aleksi Sahala (University of Helsinki)
- Saana Svärd (University of Helsinki)
- Jon Tenney (University of Cambridge)

Important Dates
- Abstract Submission Deadline: 21st of March 2025.
- Notification of Acceptance: 1st of May 2025.
- Registration Deadline: 15th of July 2025.
- Dates of Conference: 15th-18th of September 2025.